Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Rips in the Weave - According to Swampy

1897. That was a long dang time ago, back before me and Agatha decided to get hitched. Matter of fact, before I ever met the mother of all gators.

I knew Nymeria though. That nymph caused me nothin' but trouble, tryin' to get that new nymph Misha to see me nekkid. Bad enough seein' the two of them nekkid standin' there on my porch.

'Sides, apart from runnin' with Nymeria, Misha seemed like a nice sort. She liked my pigs and Boo and that's what matters.

I knows Agatha tole' you 'bout the happ'nins with Khrou-ach, but there's more to Rips in the Weave than just that old god war stuff. My friend Sassafras Cats has big problem with that sister of hers, Delilah. I never much liked Delilah. Grammy always tole me that clothes don't make a girl, it's what underneath the skin and Delilah's got nuttin' but pride underneath all them bustles and silks.

If you don't believe me, you can read it for yourself and you don't even have to pay a dime. You can get Rips in the Weave as a free ebook. You can download it for any ebook format from Smashwords. It is also available free on iTunesNook  and Kobo.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Rips in the Weave - Dime Store Novel begins

I am Agatha. Once I was a goddess who lived in a realm and created the creatures that now populate the swamplands.

Thousands of years ago, a dragon named Khrou-ach tried to take control of the realms. We gods banished him from taking a physical form. Since that time, he has existed as wind and electricity, occasionally summoning enough energy to wreak havoc on the world of the mortals by causing destructive storms.

I led the challenge against Khrou-ach and during one of his power surges, he was able to destroy the portal between the mortal world and my realm. I am earthbound. Once it bothered me, but it doesn't anymore. I have found my place here among the creatures I created and among those we can only assume were created by The Great One.

In 1897, Khrou-ach mustered enough strength to not only cause a destructive storm, but to entice Delilah Cats, a young girl with some talent for natural magic, but no common sense, to help him. The story of what happened is told in Rips in the Weave. It begins the story of how the weave between the realms begins to tear.

The authors have decided to offer Rips in the Weave as a free ebook. You can download it for any ebook format from Smashwords. It is also available free on iTunes and Kobo. It is available on the Nook for a penny.

I hope you'll take the time to read this tale of how the realms began to tear. It's far from over.